Correct Your Double Chin

kybella blog

Submental fullness, sometimes referred to as “double chin”, is a common yet undertreated facial aesthetic condition. It can impact a broad range of adults, including both men and women, and can be influenced by several factors such as aging, genetics and weight gain, and is often resistant to diet and exercise alone. Kybella is a new injection that can treat submental fullness. KYBELLA® (deoxycholic acid) injection is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness, sometimes referred to as “double chin”. The active ingredient in KYBELLA® is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath your chin, KYBELLA® causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat and retreatment is not expected. Many patients experience visible results in 2 to 4 treatment sessions. Schedule an appointment today for your Kybella treatment.


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